Authentic Image Workflow with built in Collaboration
Pixelstream helps you manage your entire authentic image workflow from secure capture, to on and off platform editing, to distribution with dynamic authenticity claims on our Authentic Media Network CDN. With C2PA compliance automatically included with every aspect of the workflow, you can focus on creativity and development while leaving delivery of your verifiably authentic media to us.
Seamless workflow for devs and designers on your team
Pixelstream is purpose built software to enable developers and designers to work together in realtime or asynchronously to create professional imagery for web projects.
A big part of Pixelstream is abstracting images away from your code/source control. We provide open source image components that allow you to customize and serve your imagery as components that automatically update as you save versions on the platform. They also provide basic customization off platform.
When image components aren't the right solution, we give you the options you need to create things like properly sized and coded open graph and twitter cards. We also provide image snippets for responsive picture components, favicons, touch icons, and of course standard image elements.
Version control in Pixelstream is built into the workflow process. Your changes are automatically saved in realtime as you create images for convenience, but you still need to save versions in order to write your flattened images and make them available on the CDN or via the command line interface.
The Pixelstream image studio was built to allow for multiple designers and/or developers to be able to edit the same images together in realtime. This allows the team to get feedback synchronously for hyper efficient workflow. Of course, the image studio also allows for asynchronous editing and feedbackas well.
The Pixelstream CDN is anything but an ordinary CDN for images. Our CDN is built to work with image components and the version controlling of these conponents. You can of course opt out of using our CDN and use your own service provider, or simply sync the image assets to your local environment and use them as usual.
From the beginning, the Pixelstream team agreed that we hated the typical workflow of versioning and deploying imagery. We especially hated having to figure out how to make sure we had the latest copy without saving them to source control. The Pixelstream CLI makes quick work of updating imagery or image components in your local environment.
Feel free to get in touch with us if you don't see your question listed below.
Image authenticity is the byproduct of a process of collecting, and transparently displaying tamper-evident, cryptographically secure information about a digital image’s history (referred to as the images’ provenance) including how the image was created (whether from a camera, or created in a graphics editor), by whom, and when, along with additional details about how the image was created or edited. You can think of it as SSL for images. How this is applied is spelled out in an open-source technical specification called C2PA that was created to embody the efforts of the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI), a group of likeminded parties working to combat digital misinformation.
Creators don’t currently have a good way to securely and permanently demonstrate the ownership or context of our digital images across the internet. As consumers, we are bombarded constantly with images on the internet - images from news sites, social media, e-commerce, and many others. There really is no way for the average person to judge the veracity of those images. Right now, we can only be sure of the source of the displayed image. With image authenticity, we can bridge that gap, giving creators the tools to securely document their images, and consumers the tools to view tamper-evident data throughout the life of an image giving them the information they need to form their own impartial assessment of that image’s veracity.
The goal of image authenticity is NOT to prove or disprove the ownership or validity of the content of an image. The goal is to provide tools to creators for attribution and consumers for displaying these attributes about the image in a transparent, and tamper-evident way so all parties have access to facts relating to the image that empower them to make better informed decisions about the media they’re viewing.
Creating trust between the creators of images and the consumers of images means everyone benefits. Creators benefit by knowing that their images can’t be stolen, mis-used, mis-attributed, or otherwise faked without it showing up in an image’s provenance. Consumers benefit from having transparent details about an image so they can make a more informed decision about an image’s trustworthiness. Society as a whole benefits from this sense of transparency and trust replacing skepticism and cynicism with evidence and critical thinking.
According to the C2PA specification, images that contain authenticity data will contain a small indicator icon that, when clicked, will display a notification that the image contains authenticity data. The consumer can follow a link from that notification to more detailed information about the image’s provenance.
No. But it does present factual data about the image to help you make those determinations yourself.
As a member of the Content Authenticity Initiative, Pixelstream’s goal is to create a real-world application that fully implements the C2PA specification, and takes it even farther. We provide end-to-end image authenticity services for web images from capture, to edit, to distribution. We will have a secure capture app for phone pictures, a Photoshop plug-in for transferring images from photoshop to PIxelstream, a image editor for creating responsive web images, a VS code extension enabling developers to embed images into web pages, and a CDN service which serves the images all while preserving the chain of provenance of the image from creation all the way to delivery. This all happens in the background without creators, developers, or consumers having to do any extra work!
Pixelstream will be in private beta this fall, and we plan to launch our public service early next year.
In our view, the need to protect both creators and the consumers from the confusing and harmful effects of misinformation, disinformation, and outright faking of digital media, is of paramount importance to society. We want to be part of the solution. Right now, that means, hands on tools to get started, but we have plans to create even more ways of elevating authentic media, and making it accessible to everyone. We see the future of image authenticity as the minimum standard for all images on the web.